DKS evaluated alternatives and prepared final design plans, specifications and estimates, and systems engineering documents, which include a concept of operations and requirements for the new OR 217 Active Traffic Management (ATM) Project. The OR 217 ATM Project includes an advisory speed system with corresponding advisory speed signs that change speeds based on current traffic and weather conditions; a traveler time information system with additional variable message signs that provides estimated travel times to key destinations; a queue warning system that warns drivers of stopped or slowed vehicles ahead; and an adaptive ramp metering system that adjusts rates based on traffic conditions. The new variable message signs are also used to alert drivers to crashes, congestion, road conditions, closures, and other traffic-related information.
In addition, DKS led the design and deployment of a variable speed limit system along a 1.75-mile section of I-5 and a two-mile section of I-405 in Portland. The project’s objective is to reduce crashes through the bottleneck area where southbound I-5 and I-405 merge using management techniques.
The travel time system software designed by DKS is being used by ODOT throughout the region. ODOT is also using the engineering analysis performed by DKS for the new adaptive ramp metering along OR 217 as a model for projects across the state.