Washington County 175th Avenue/Kemmer Road Intersection Improvements, OR
Quick Facts
A roundabout was selected as the preferred intersection control treatment based on an intersection control evaluation traffic study and input from the public
The project was funded through the Washington County MSTIP Bonding Cost-sharing program
The roundabout was designed to allow for the future addition of right turn lanes when needed
The roundabout addresses peak hour performance needs based on surrounding land use traffic patterns
- Reduces vehicle queuing along 175th Avenue
Improves pedestrian and bicycle circulation through the intersection to connection sidewalks and regional trails
Improves intersection safety
Our Work
Led transportation planning services to forecast future traffic volumes and intersection needs based on land use in the surrounding area
Performed intersection control evaluation to determine the recommended intersection control treatment
Developed final plans, specifications, and engineering estimates for lighting, signing, and striping
Provided engineering support during project construction