I-405 HOT Lanes
ITS, toll coordination, and illumination design for 23+ mile I-405 freeway improvement project.
Quick Facts
Coordinated with a toll system integrator during the design of ITS infrastructure
Project included 42 electronic toll gantries, 23 toll rate signs, over 40 miles of fiber optic design, 3 ramp meters, 26 CCTV cameras, 4 VMS, 3 HARS, 4 communication hub tie-ins, and 26 ES data cabinets
Over 15 miles of illumination design for the freeway, toll zone illumination, and on/off ramp illumination
Increased traffic capacity. Added additional traffic capacity between Kirkland and Bothell, and combined with the existing HOV lane to create a two-lane express toll system in both directions
Improved transit reliability and time reliability for toll lane users from Bellevue to Lynnwood
The addition of the northbound and southbound lanes between NE 6th Street and SR 522 reduces congestion by increasing capacity
Improved I-405 braided ramps between NE 160th Street interchange and SR 522 improved traffic flow and reduced conflicting traffic in a heavily traveled freeway corridor
The additional capacity reduces sideswipe and congestion-related collisions
When the final widening HOV project is completed from Renton to Bellevue along the I-405 High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lane corridor will extend from SR167/ SR 18 in Auburn to I-405/ I-5 in Lynnwood
Our Work
Led the ITS, illumination, and toll coordination for this freeway improvement project